Responsibility, sustainability, and integrity have always been foundational principles placed at the center of Yarpa Group’s choices and strategies in the value creation process.
Historically, the Group has consistently combined its investment activities with the pursuit of collaborations with leading non-profit organizations to support and accelerate their development and positive impact on the community.
Since 2018, the company has extended its commitment to philanthropic initiatives that pursue social and welfare goals in collaboration with its investment funds.
To date, Yarpa Investimenti SGR S.p.A. has partnered with six significant organizations historically involved in assisting children and young people.
In 2022, the Renato Piatti Foundation awarded Yarpa with the title of “COMPANY FOR GOOD 2022” for participating in various initiatives in support of people with intellectual disabilities, autism, and youth psychiatric challenges.
© 2023 Yarpa SpA
C.F. e P.I. 03354000105
Via Roma, 3
Genova (GE) 16121
Project Consult Srls
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